Wednesday, July 27, 2011

2 poems || John Pursch


A crillbon manipant
sporls fluet, nub quorges
at smickled, poptic hermagogs
of fested, nebrilous spinks.
Unmoncky wrops of trancled mears
plig waimty at the dreel.
Andormian spentular formin spolms
cratch durmint and spendulous jink.

Doblers of camble and sincets of masp
fand certons of floed garole;
a spinket of jammer sunds pentock of orn
to champers for gleest oramter.
Replimar batsons and plastular keeds,
fordunal nubbles of questuble foed,
spint onto a windom's lyst of cremmal,
gorbons morlicht untermelded weremint.

Chantimule, oh spearinal mantage,
quike the flentinal mockrage,
encude the whot for simmalog,
and fearambuloc the prozen leadicacy,
hintamnyl or specund in our oldet snog.
Despert pretern fomyl nightcarp,
buerile onmo capting troms,
forlow plams of cooming obens,
harl and limpent, sceamish pown.

Immulent yet norbile, the horble flaxsong
or our memnant despore found a clepple,
ambrential in its smegulant mocracy,
muld quembrant in discotic chorl.

Glaben Alfer Mirdinal

Rochus in its animant,
flengant uder mew,
spangous of our crumplestance,
hinjor por the gueue;
skance achock the rotamance,
flippal in its bilight;
oxentab her potavant,
gimmen alf the crozen palf
of antiveder's milfen smal
and unterfelden's gribbenal
for pretan, mingal hymnite.

A lamfeed, a samtunil,
a plethor's gambent nucile;
a spectious orph in olymood,
a cantle piggen garsonuit,
a lineant in motanure,
a balnt inspendicite;
a flexal hipen, romofied,
a tithen gorth oon minight wilch,
a riven's pilth of haimering,
a gammon's speathing whiel.

Prantal flune espordant nitch,
pondent in its frendal ife,
nover on the palidential,
rimpendunctious soapalide.
Leakon mellage penderblas,
hordant ceral maentubeel;
glaben alfer mirdinal,
spental nard behander vall,
sinden pog bewamber.

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